This is the page where you can learn all about Lance. Answers in red symbolize Lance Quotes.


Full Name: James Lance Bass

Nicknames: Poofoo, Lansten, Scoop

Birthday: May 4, 1979

Birthplace: Laurel, Mississippi but he lives in Clinton, MS

Eyes: blue/green

Hair: blonde

Likes: Skydiving, the beach, jet skiing, rock climbing (adventurous are we?)

Traits: Lance is laid back and easy going.

*Lance can sleep anytime as long as he has peace and quiet and total darkness.

Style: It differs. I go from sporty to really dressing up. Parasuco is my favorite designer, he's Canadian. He specializes in stretch material, so his jeans are kind of stretchy and tight. All the guys love Parasuco, but JC and I are into it the most. Lance mostly wears blues and greens.

Favorite color: Red

Favorite Holiday: Christmas

Favorite song on "Home For Christmas": O Holy Night

First Pet: My cocker spaniel, Goldie.

Which 3 things would Lance take to a desert island?: I would definitely take my family, my best friends and cable TV.

Vacation memory: We went to Perdido Key, which is near Pensacola, Florida and Hurricane Erin went through there when I was on vacation.

Collections: Taz stuff and Beanie Babies (he has over 60)

*Lance's first love was acting.

Scariest Experience: Lance went with Joey to a bullfight in Cancun, Mexico. Lance volunteered to participate in a bull fight, unknowing that he'd fight a real bull. I get out there and this bull comes running at me. He hits me right in the stomach and passes me like seven times and he kept getting caught in my cape. It was very, very scary.

Worst Habits: Nail biting, I'm always late. I say "um" a lot.

Ideal Vacation: My ideal day would be to spend the day with all my family, like in some exotic place like Hawaii, doing something cool like parasailing or getting to bike on top of the volcano and riding around the whole day.

Favorite Music: everything from Garth Brooks to the Offspring

Most Embarassing Moment My most embarassing moment was also my scariest - Joey and I went to a bullfight in Cancun, and I ended up having to fight a really big bull. (See scariest experience for more)

Shoe Size: 11

Did Lance get in trouble at school? Yes, but not for being bad. I got detention for being late, because I'm late for everything.

If Lance wasn't singing he'd… Work at NASA

Musical Beginnings: Lance was part of the Mississippi Showstoppers.

N Sync Standings: Lance is the messiest and the worst at basketball.

*Lance likes adventurous girls who look innocent.

*He may seem shy, but it is only around people he doesn't know that he is quiet.

What is Lance's style of getting girls? He patiently waits for the right moment to sweep her off her feet.

Fave Drinks: Dr. Pepper and almond cappuccino

Ambition: own a ranch with horses

Early Job: dressing up as a dog named PooFoo (hence the nickname)

Impressions: According to JC, Lance does a hilarious impression of a squirrel eating a nut.

1st N Sync B-day: It was spent in a plane with an African tribe.

1st Gf: Lance had his first girlfriend at age 5.

Message to the Fans (taken from the program that can be obtained at their concerts):

Hope everyone is doing well. It has been so great seeing everyone on tour. I hope everyone has enjoyed this tour as much as we have.

Being on the road is very tiring and grueling but seeing all your friendly faces makes it all worth while.

On our days off on tour you may catch me horseback riding, jetskiing or catching a movie.

See you soon! Lance


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